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Pupils speak confidently about respecting others and recognise everyone as equal. Pupils feel safe at school and attend regularly. They describe their school as ‘brilliant, kind and understanding’. – Ofsted, November 2022

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)

At Springcroft we teach the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum through the Jigsaw scheme of work.  Our policy and scheme of work are reviewed annually by our governors and staff.

RSE is lifelong learning about relationships, emotions, different families, sex, sexuality, sexual health and looking after ourselves.  RSE has a key part to play in the personal, social, moral and spiritual development of children.  We want our children to have the appropriate knowledge in these areas and to be become confident individuals who have a positive body awareness and understand how to keep themselves safe and healthy.  Through RSE our children will have a better understanding of a diverse range of people and families and through this understanding will form positive and respectful relationships and friendships with others.

Specific RSE content for each age group


Family life

Making friends; falling out and making up; being a good friend

Dealing with bullying

Growing up -how have I changed from baby to now

Bodies (NOT including names of sexual parts)

Respecting my body and looking after it e.g. personal hygiene.


Recognising bullying and how to deal with it

Celebrating differences between people

Making new friends; being a good friend; qualities as a friend and a person

Belonging to a family

Physical contact preferences

People who help us

Celebrating people who are special to me

Life cycles – animal and human

Changes in me; changes since being a baby

Differences between female and male bodies (correct terminology: penis, vagina, testicles)

Respecting my body and understand which parts are private.


Assumptions and stereotypes about gender; gender diversity

Understanding bullying; celebrating difference and remaining friends standing up for self and others

Making new friends; friendship and conflict

Learning with others; group co-operation; different types of family;

Physical contact boundaries; appreciate that some parts of my body are private.

Secrets (including those that might worry us)

Trust and appreciation; expressing appreciation for special relationships

Life cycles in nature; growing from young to old

Increasing independence

Differences in female and male bodies (correct terminology)



Seeing things from others’ perspectives;

Families and their differences; family conflict and how to manage it (child-centred) Witnessing bullying and how to solve it; homophobic bullying

Recognising how words can be hurtful; giving and receiving compliment

Respect for myself and others

Healthy and safe choices

Family roles and responsibilities; family stereotypes

Friendship and negotiation

Keeping safe online and who to go to for help

Being aware of how my choices affect others

Awareness of how other children have different lives

Expressing appreciation for family and friends

How babies grow; understanding a baby’s needs

Outside body changes at puberty; inside body changes at puberty


Challenging assumptions

Judging by appearance

Accepting self and others

Understanding influences

Understanding bullying including the role of the bystander

Problem-solving in relationships

Identifying how special and unique everyone is

First impressions

Working in a, group; celebrating contributions of others; group dynamics

Healthier friendships

Assertiveness; celebrating inner strength;

Peer pressure


Love and loss; memories of loved ones

Getting on and falling out

Girlfriends and boyfriends

Showing appreciation to people and animals

Being unique

Having a baby (simple explanation of conception)

Girls and puberty; boys and puberty

Confidence in change; accepting change.


Cultural differences and how they can cause conflict; racism; rumours and name-calling

Types of bullying

Enjoying and respecting other cultures;

Body image; self-recognition and self-worth; building self-esteem; self and body image; influence of online and media on body image

Safer online communities; rights and responsibilities online; online gaming and gambling; reducing screen time; dangers of online grooming; SMARRT internet safety rules

Puberty for girls; puberty for boys

Conception (including IVF)

Growing responsibility; coping with change.


Children’s universal rights

Feeling welcome and valued; choices

Consequences and rewards

Democracy, having a voice; group dynamics

Anti-social behaviour


Perceptions of normality

Understanding disability

Understanding what transgender means

Power struggles

Understanding bullying


Difference as conflict; difference as celebration

Exploitation, including ‘county-lines’ and gang culture

Love and loss; managing feelings

Power and control; assertiveness

Technology safety; responsibility with technology use

Self-image, body image

Puberty and feelings

Conception to birth

Reflections about change

Physical attraction; boyfriends/girlfriends

Respect and consent



If you require further information about the content of RSE including a copy of the RSE policy and scheme of work please contact our school office.  You are also welcome to view the materials used should you wish to.

Whilst we believe that our programme is very sensitive, parents do have the right to withdraw their child from aspects of the RSE curriculum.  See the letter below.