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Positive relationships lie at the heart of Springcroft Primary. Leaders, staff and supportive parents work together to get the best for pupils. This partnership working helps pupils to thrive. Parents are proud of the school. – Ofsted, November 2022

It is my pleasure to offer you a warm welcome from all the staff, children, parents and Governors to Springcroft Primary School.

It is a real privilege to work alongside our children, their families and the community in which Springcroft serves. Our school values; Resilience, Creativity, Integrity and Collective Responsibility, underpin everything we do here at Springcroft. They  form our foundation and provide the justification of our behaviours; they are quite simply ‘The way we do things around here’. Our 'Why' is "We believe in preparing our children for life in the modern world, becoming resilient adults with integrity, radiating creativity, able to take responsibility for their actions, and shape their future".

Our staff and Governors are committed, enthusiastic, skilled practitioners who ensure children are happy, work hard and achieve excellent academic results, and we are deeply committed to the personal development of all. We are strong believers in the power of outstanding education to transform lives. Every child here is valued as a unique individual, and we support our children by giving them the tools they need to become good, hardworking and responsible British citizens, ready to thrive in the modern world in which we live.

We believe that Springcroft Primary School offers your child an exceptional education where children are enriched and challenged so that they can each achieve success in their own way and help to shape their future. 

We are incredibly proud of our school and I hope that our website gives you some indication of the reasons why.

Welcome to Springcroft!

Mr Stephen Drew    BMus (Hons), MA, NPQH


