Springcroft Attainment
Leaders and governors have high aspirations for staff and pupils. They work well as a team, offering support and challenge to each other. They have developed a broad and rich curriculum, which is ambitious for all pupils. – Ofsted, November 2022
The Expected Standard (EXS) for reading, writing and mathematics at Springcroft is 75% (National 61%).
Year 6 2024 (28 chn) |
Springcroft ARE % |
National ARE %
Springcroft GDS % |
National GDS %
Springcroft average scaled score
National average scaled score |
Average Progress Score (2023) |
National Average Progress Score (2023)
Maths |
79% (22) |
73% |
18% (5) |
24% |
104.4 |
104.4 |
1.24 |
0.00 |
Reading |
89% (25) |
74% |
32% (9) |
28% |
106.5 |
105.2 |
1.56 |
0.04 |
Writing |
89% (25) |
72% |
11% (3) |
13% |
1.12 |
0.04 |
82% (24) |
72% |
36% (10) |
32% |
105.9 |
105.3 |
Combined (R, W & M) |
75% (21) |
61% |
7% (2) |
8% |
Phonics Check 2024 |
Springcroft % achieving standard |
National % achieving standard |
Year 1 |
82% |
80% |
Year 2 |
97% |
87% |
Y4 MTC 2024 (31 chn)
Full marks (25) |
Mean Score |
Springcroft |
60% (25 children) |
23.8 |
National |
27% |
20.6 |
EYFS 2024
Springcroft % achieving Good Level of Development (GLD) |
National % achieving Good Level of Development (GLD) |
69% (20) |
67% |
Link to Springcroft's performance information
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